This qualification reflects the role of individuals with significant experience in a senior administrative role who are seeking to develop expertise across a wider range of business functions.
The qualification is suited to individuals who possess significant theoretical business skills and knowledge and wish to consolidate and build pathways to further educational or employment opportunities.
Course Structure
Actual Study Hours: Advance Diploma of Information Technology (ICT60220) course structure is designed for 104 weeks (including holidays) and total scheduled contact hours are 1800 hours which is equivalent to 20 hours per week. You can also complete this qualification in lesser time than mentioned based on the study load you can manage.
Assessment Methods: This qualification is assessed using various assessment methods i.e. through written activities, case studies, simulated projects and by observation.
Core units
ore units:
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
BSBXCS402 Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices
ICTICT608 Interact with clients on a business level
ICTICT618 Manage IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments
ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment
Elective units
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBPMG430 Undertake project work
BSBPMG530 Manage project scope
ICTICT818 Develop knowledge management strategies
ICTNPL413 Evaluate networking regulations and legislation for the telecommunications industry
ICTNWK612 Plan and manage troubleshooting advanced integrated IP networks
ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning
ICTSUS812 Lead applied research in ICT sustainability
ICTTEN615 Manage network traffic
ICTTEN622 Produce ICT network architecture designs
ITA provides the facilities and resources that will need to be available or accessed include:
Access to online book
Group Activities to emulate real scenarios
ICT Softwares
Adobe Website
High Speed Fibre Optic Internet on campus
Learner book: Online Toolbox
Student Support and counselling
Entry Requirements
Entry to this qualification is limited to those who:
Have completed one of the following qualifications:
a. ICT50220 – Diploma of Information Technology; or a superseded equivalent version.
Have four years equivalent full-time relevant work experience.
Bachelor or Employment
Employment Outcomes
Students can gain the skills and knowledge required to design, develop and manage a team. Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible employment outcomes with this qualification includes:
Knowledge Manager, eLearning Manager, Enterprise Application Integration Consultant, Enterprise Architecture Manager, Software Manager
Educational Pathways
Pathways into the qualification
Candidates may enter the qualification through several entry points including:
Diploma mentioned in the entry requirement OR with vocational experience
Pathways from the qualification
After achieving this qualification, candidates may choose to undertake Graduate Diploma or a range of other Bachelor qualifications.
Course Duration
Students can complete Advance Diploma of Information Technology (ICT60220) qualification within 104 weeks(including holidays) and you can discuss with your Trainer for customised study plan that meets your requirements.
Enquiries for Enrolments and intake dates can be made any time during the business hours.
Course Structure
Actual Study Hours: Advance Diploma of Information Technology (ICT60220) course structure is designed for 104 weeks (including holidays) and total scheduled contact hours are 1800 hours which is equivalent to 20 hours per week. You can also complete this qualification in lesser time than mentioned based on the study load you can manage.
Assessment Methods: This qualification is assessed using various assessment methods i.e. through written activities, case studies, simulated projects and by observation.
Course Fees
Tuition Fees Other Fees Total Cost
Contact us for latest fees updates and Scholarships Enrolment Fee(AUD $250) + Material fee (AUD $500) Tuition Fees + Other Fees
Credit and RPL Process
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
The acknowledgment of skills and knowledge that have been gained through training, work, or life experiences into formal competencies. The assessment of RPL is made from the evidence provided against the units of competency (elements and performance criteria) as described in the relevant endorsed Training Package. To support this type of application evidence of where and how the skills were obtained are required. i.e. A certificate where the codes do not match bit are of similar skills and knowledge would require an ability to assess the learning the outcomes against the learning outcomes of the current course.
Some subjects have exam but most of the assessment methods include practical test, group works, SA, personal portfolios, presentations, log books, written assessment and case studies. Each subject has minimum of 2-3 assessments. If you have studied the same or equivalent subject as those taught by ITA, you can apply for credit for those subjects. Students apply for RPL either prior to commencement or once on campus.
Students will be required to submit Academic and other relevant documents where necessary
Submit a full application to ITA indicating that you want to apply for recognition for prior learning
Students will be required to submit Academic and other relevant documents where necessary
Self assessment will be necessary to be filled by the applicant and interview to follow by ITA
As part of recognition assessment where students are unable to provide sufficient documents and evidence, recognition cannot be granted
A process of appeal is available in cases of disputes or decisions or refunds granted.
CRICOS Code: 086682B
The qualification has a strong common core ICT Diploma base. Furthermore, this qualification is equivalent to first-year bachelor degree and students can have an academic pathway to second-year Bachelor degree in the university after completing this course.
Developing and implementing a diversity policy, Managing human resources strategic planning, Leading and managing organisational change, Providing leadership across the organisation, Contributing to organisational development, Developing and implementing strategic plans