This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
Individuals at this level display initiative and judgement in planning, organising, implementing and monitoring their own workload and the workload of others. They use communication skills to support individuals and teams to meet organisational or enterprise requirements.
They plan, design, apply and evaluate solutions to unpredictable problems, and identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources. (As per BSB Business Services Training Package)
Course Structure
Actual Study Hours: Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420) course structure is designed for 72 weeks (including holidays) and total scheduled contact hours are 1200 hours which is equivalent to 20 hours per week. You can also complete this qualification in lesser time than mentioned based on the study load you can manage.
Assessment Methods: This qualification is assessed using various assessment methods i.e. through written activities, case studies, simulated projects and by observation.
Core units
BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence
BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
Elective units
BSBOPS505 Manage organisational customer service
BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement
BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
ITA provides the facilities and resources that will need to be available or accessed including:
Access to online book
Group Activities to emulate real scenarios
ICT Softwares
High Speed Fibre Optic Internet on campus
Learner book: Online Resources
Student Support and counselling
Entry Requirements
Bachelor or Employment
Employment Outcomes
Students can gain the skills and knowledge required to design, develop and manage a team. Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible employment outcomes with this qualification include:
Operations Manager
Project Manager
Supervisor / Team Leader
Office coordinator
Educational Pathways
After achieving this qualification, students may choose to undertake the BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management or a range of other Advanced Diploma qualifications.
You can also choose a Vocational Graduate Certificate qualification or other higher education sector qualifications upon successful completion of this course.
Course Duration
Students can complete Diploma of Leadership and Management(BSB50420) qualification within 72 weeks(including holidays) and you can discuss with your Trainer for customised study plan that meets your requirements.
Enquiries for Enrolments and intake dates can be made any time during the business hours.
Course Structure
Actual Study Hours: Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420) course structure is designed for 72 weeks (including holidays) and total scheduled contact hours are 1200 hours which is equivalent to 20 hours per week. You can also complete this qualification in lesser time than mentioned based on the study load you can manage.
Assessment Methods: This qualification is assessed using various assessment methods i.e. through written activities, case studies, simulated projects and by observation.
Course Fees
Tuition Fees Other Fees Total Cost
Contact us for latest fees updates and Scholarships Enrolment Fee(AUD $250) + Material fee (AUD $500) Tuition Fees + Other Fees
Credit and RPL Process
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
The acknowledgment of skills and knowledge that have been gained through training, work, or life experiences into formal competencies. The assessment of RPL is made from the evidence provided against the units of competency (elements and performance criteria) as described in the relevant endorsed Training Package. To support this type of application evidence of where and how the skills were obtained are required. i.e. A certificate where the codes do not match bit are of similar skills and knowledge would require an ability to assess the learning the outcomes against the learning outcomes of the current course.
Some subjects have exam but most of the assessment methods include practical test, group works, SA, personal portfolios, presentations, log books, written assessment and case studies. Each subject has minimum of 2-3 assessments. If you have studied the same or equivalent subject as those taught by ITA, you can apply for credit for those subjects. Students apply for RPL either prior to commencement or once on campus.
Students will be required to submit Academic and other relevant documents where necessary
Submit a full application to UNI indicating that you want to apply for recognition for prior learning
Students will be required to submit Academic and other relevant documents where necessary
Self assessment will be necessary to be filled by the applicant and interview to follow by ITA
As part of recognition assessment where students are unable to provide sufficient documents and evidence, recognition cannot be granted
A process of appeal is available in cases of disputes or decisions or refunds granted.
Course Credit: is defined by the National Code 2007 as follows:
Exemption from enrolment in a particular part of the course as a result of previous study, experience or recognition of a competency currently held. This includes academic credit and recognition of prior learning.
The acknowledgment of skills and knowledge that have been gained through training, work, or life experiences into formal competencies. The assessment of RPL is made from the evidence provided against the units of competency (elements and performance criteria) as described in the relevant endorsed Training Package. To support this type of application evidence of where and how the skills were obtained are required. i.e. A certificate where the codes do not match bit are of similar skills and knowledge would require an ability to assess the learning the outcomes against the learning outcomes of the current course.
Some subjects have exam but most of the assessment methods include practical test, group works, SA, personal portfolios, presentations, log books, written assessment and case studies. Each subject has minimum of 2-3 assessments. If you have studied the same or equivalent subject as those taught by ITA, you can apply for credit for those subjects. Applicants with qualification of Cert III through to Cert IV in IT, are eligible to enter directly into ICT50615 as they fulfil the pre-requisite criteria. Students apply for RPL either prior to commencement or once on campus.
To apply for recognition you must
Submit a full application to UNI indicating that you want to apply for recognition for prior learning
Students will be required to submit Academic and other relevant documents where necessary
Self assessment will be necessary to be filled by the applicant and interview to follow by ITA
As part of recognition assessment where students are unable to provide sufficient documents and evidence, recognition cannot be granted
A process of appeal is available in cases of disputes or decisions or refunds granted.
Student Obligation
Australian student visa conditions require international students to:
maintain full-time attendance
be committed to their studies and maintain satisfactory academic progress
notify the ITA immediately of any changes in address and contact details while in Australia
complete their course of study within the period of their student visa
The UNI Institute also expects international students to abide by the rules and regulations of the institute. Under Australian regulations, an extension of study and visa is permitted only if there are compassionate or compelling circumstances, or if the Institute has implemented an intervention strategy to prevent a student from failing to make satisfactory progress, or if the University has approved a deferment or suspension of study.
The ITA may cancel or suspend your enrolment under the following circumstances:
Serious misconduct including plagiarism
Unsatisfactory academic progress
Failure to pay tuition fees
Further information can be found at: www.homeaffairs.gov.au/
Student Handbook Download PDF
Admission Form Download PDF
Change of Address Form Download PDF
Support Services Form Download PDF
Change of Enrollment Form Download PDF
Refund Request Form Download PDF
Orientation & Student Services
Welcome to Institute of Technology Australia ! Thank you for choosing ITA and congratulations on receiving an offer to study at ITA campus. Studying as an international student is full of challenges and excitement. We hope you enjoy your time at ITA and take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. The friends you create will prove to be of utmost importance to you and the skills that you will develop will help you with your future career goals.
Attending Orientation is the best way to get started at ITA. You will get lots of important information about your program of study; get to know your campus and the student services available to support your study, and get to know the other students you will be studying with. From the management and staff of ITA, we wish you all the success!
All newly arriving international students need to attend an orientation programs. A series of activities and programs will be conducted by ITA personnel that are designed to assist you to make effective and efficient transition to your studies in Adelaide Australia. At the orientation you will :
Be introduced to course structure, study methodology, student integrity and ITA’s responsibilities assisted by academic and administrative staff
Obtain your program information, booklist and timetable for a semester
Create your student ID Card and online details
Obtain information about your overseas students healthcover
Be introduced to services and facilities at ITA
Meet your academic and administrative staff
Meet new friends before you commence your studies
Purchase your text books
Provide information on transportation and safety within the campus and Adelaide
Inform students of counseling service and appeal & grievance process
Personal counseling
Studying in a new environment can be challenging. ITA provides counselling services to students who may need assistance. This will help provide an opportunity to better understand your situation and explore the possibilities for bringing about positive change.
Academic support and counselors
At ITA we understand that tertiary level of studies could be difficult adjustment for some. To assist students develop the necessary study skills, we offer a variety of study and learning support services, including:
• Counselling and advice to support individual learning requirements
• Self study and online resources for those who are in need of additional tuition
• Computer Support and library
Careers support 
ITA recognizes that students are studying for a career, and actively work to bridge the gap between study and the workforce. As a vocational training provider our focus is to ensure students are job ready at the completion of their course. We guide and groom our students to prepare themselves for the industry and this may be in the form of :
• Resume
• Conducting an Interview
• Appearance and presentation
Industry Training
To brief students of code of conduct when on Industry Placement and ITA’s responsibility in placing students in a safe environment.
Bringing your family 
If applicants intend to bring family members to Australia, they need to apply for Student Dependant Visas. Visit the website – www.immi.gov.au or contact the nearest Australian Diplomatic Mission for more information. If applicants intend to bring school-aged dependant children, they are required to attend school and pay full fees in either government or nongovernment schools.
Library Facilities
Students have access to library, photocopying, printing and email services at the ITA. All students have online access to the Institute of Technology Australia online resources (moodle) and references (links).
Social Activities
Students will have the opportunity to experience a range of arts cultural and sporting activities facilitated by the ITA. Examples include watching Australian Rules Football, attending world music food and drama festivals and the ‘Great Australian Barbeque’.
Work Rights during studying 
In Australia International students are limited to 20 hours per week of paid employment whilst the student’s program is in session and unlimited hours during scheduled program breaks. Dependents have unlimited work rights after the principal student visa holder has commenced his/her program in Australia. Student should check with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) in Australia for the latest requirements, as requirements could vary. Please visit www.immi.gov.au for further information.
IT & Resources
ITA offers a modern study environment with fast and convenient IT access. Students have access to the Institute’s email, internet and student Moodle.
CRICOS Code: 086682B
The qualification has a strong common core ICT Diploma base. Furthermore, this qualification is equivalent to first-year bachelor degree and students can have an academic pathway to second-year Bachelor degree in the university after completing this course.